City Of Oxford Dev Meet 2
Sun 13th Oct 2019 (back to calendar)

Venue: Leys Pools and Leisure Centre, Pagasus Road, Oxford, OX4 6JL
Time: Warm Up 16:00, Start 16:45, Finish 19:45
Pool: 8x25
Age: as at 31/03/19
Cost: £8.00 per event
By BACS transfer using the reference description - the first four letters of the swimmers surname followed by their first name initial and OXFORD2.
eg: Joe Bloggs -> BLOGJOXFORD2
Suitable For
Academy squad only as Arena League gala is the day before.
Key Notes
A chance to register official times which will give you access to future galas.
No Entry Time is required if you haven’t previously swam the events.
You should enter as many events as you can as there is a maximum of just three.
A good chance to gain competitive experience.
Programme of Events
1 Female 8+ 50m Backstroke
2 Male 8+ 50m Breaststroke
3 Female 8+ 100m Freestyle
4 Male 8+ 100m Backstroke
5 Female 8+ 100m Breaststroke
6 Male 8-10 1 00m IM
7 Female 10+ 200m Backstroke
8 Male 9+ 200m Freestyle
9 Female 8+ 50m Fly
10 Male 11+ 200m Fly
Qualifying Times
As a level 4 Meet this gala is subject to no faster than times as shown here.
For the final event of the past 2 weekends it was over to the Academy swimmers (and Magnus) at the second Oxford Development Meet. We had Islay L-P and Martha M racing for the first time and both set good times in their events, coming back to the team post-race with big smiles on their faces. Well done girls!
Pav P had strong swims in the 100 IM and 50 Breaststroke, making sure he got to 5m on every underwater phase – exactly what the coaches had asked of him.
Congratulations to all our swimmers competing at this event, once again the races showed a big improvement on technique and skills, and we came away with 0 disqualifications from the afternoon.
Back to events calendar.
Time: Warm Up 16:00, Start 16:45, Finish 19:45
Pool: 8x25
Age: as at 31/03/19
Cost: £8.00 per event
By BACS transfer using the reference description - the first four letters of the swimmers surname followed by their first name initial and OXFORD2.
eg: Joe Bloggs -> BLOGJOXFORD2
Suitable For
Academy squad only as Arena League gala is the day before.
Key Notes
A chance to register official times which will give you access to future galas.
No Entry Time is required if you haven’t previously swam the events.
You should enter as many events as you can as there is a maximum of just three.
A good chance to gain competitive experience.
Programme of Events
1 Female 8+ 50m Backstroke
2 Male 8+ 50m Breaststroke
3 Female 8+ 100m Freestyle
4 Male 8+ 100m Backstroke
5 Female 8+ 100m Breaststroke
6 Male 8-10 1 00m IM
7 Female 10+ 200m Backstroke
8 Male 9+ 200m Freestyle
9 Female 8+ 50m Fly
10 Male 11+ 200m Fly
Qualifying Times
As a level 4 Meet this gala is subject to no faster than times as shown here.
For the final event of the past 2 weekends it was over to the Academy swimmers (and Magnus) at the second Oxford Development Meet. We had Islay L-P and Martha M racing for the first time and both set good times in their events, coming back to the team post-race with big smiles on their faces. Well done girls!
Pav P had strong swims in the 100 IM and 50 Breaststroke, making sure he got to 5m on every underwater phase – exactly what the coaches had asked of him.
Congratulations to all our swimmers competing at this event, once again the races showed a big improvement on technique and skills, and we came away with 0 disqualifications from the afternoon.
Back to events calendar.