COSC Level 3
Fri/Sat/Sun 28th February to 1st March 2020 (back to calendar)
Venue: Leys Pools and Leisure Centre, Pegasus Road, Oxford, OX4 6JL
Pool: 25m
Age as: 01/03/20
Cost: £9.00 per event.
Payment: by BACS transfer using the reference description - the first four letters of the swimmers surname followed by their first initial and Oxford. So Joe Bloggs example would be BlogJOxford .
Results & report
To follow shortly..
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Pool: 25m
Age as: 01/03/20
Cost: £9.00 per event.
Payment: by BACS transfer using the reference description - the first four letters of the swimmers surname followed by their first initial and Oxford. So Joe Bloggs example would be BlogJOxford .
Results & report
To follow shortly..
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