The Club is committed to encouraging membership from all sectors of the community and promotes an open and honest culture that values diversity, We positively encourage the involvement of all people, endeavouring to ensure that each and every one can feel a valued member of the Club.
Below are full details of our equality policy
Kidlington & Gosford Swimming Club is committed to encouraging membership from all sectors of the community. To achieve this, it undertakes to:
Promote an open and honest culture that values diversity;
Communicate widely, ensuring that its messages can be understood and appreciated by all;
Positively encourage the involvement of all people, regardless of their gender, race, disability, age and social background;
Work to redress the effects of discrimination;
Change attitudes and working practices to ensure that everyone can feel a valued member of the Club.
Club Teachers and Coaches In our training and development of teachers and coaches, we will strive to ensure that they:
Establish and implement professional and ethical values and practice;
Promote and apply the principles and practices of equal opportunities;
Promote positive images of people with special needs;
Have a commitment to providing entitlement and access to all their professional activities;
Encourage high expectations and standards of achievement from all they teach;
Involve everyone in meaningful and appropriate activity to ensure a quality experience;
Help everyone to achieve their full potential.
Club Officials and Administrators We expect our official and administrators to:
Adopt, promote and practice the values of equal opportunity for all of the Club and Swim England
Ensure that participation can be enjoyed by all;
Provide meaningful and appropriate experiences which recognise and value the diversity of the participants;
Actively encourage the participation and involvement of people from disadvantaged groups of the community.
Policy into Practice The Club recognises that to implement its policies successfully will require the commitment of everyone involved in the Club. People’s attitudes, views and working practices may have to change to ensure that aninclusive agenda which promotes social inclusion irrespective of race, gender, age, religion, disability, social background and sexual orientation is accepted by all its members. The Club will, in all of its activities, seek to ensure accessibility and equality for all.
If required, you can download a copy of the above policy below