Here you can find an explanation of how disputes and complaints are addressed and resolved within KGSC.
Dispute: A difference of opinion either between members or on matters concerning the running of the club.
Complaint: A formally expressed dissatisfaction, frustration or grievance over an item relating to activities undertaken by the club.
Process: The following process should be followed if any person associated with the club has a dispute or complaint regarding their treatment during any club activity. They should bring this to the attention of their Coach or the club Welfare Officer in the first instance. The club always encourages informal discussion to resolve issues. The club will request you to talk the issue through with all parties first, in private, as this provides an opportunity for early resolution. If after talking the issue through then the problem remains, the next steps should be taken.
1. The Dispute or Complaint should be made in writing, by email or letter, to the KGSC Chairman within seven days of the incident arising, stating;
- The nature of the issue - The action that was taken by the club or the Welfare Officer - The reasons why the action is disputed or complaint raised - The date and time of the incident - The names of any witnesses to the incident.
2. The Chairman will acknowledge the Dispute or Complaint by reply using the same method by which it was received.
3. The Chairman will appoint an independent Investigator (normally a member of the KGSC Committee or a Coach unconnected with the incident). If the club can’t find an independent investigator then the club will refer the matter to Swim England.
4. The investigator has seven days, from date of acknowledgement, to provide a detailed email or written response to the Committee with the findings and recommendation of any actions that need to be taken.
5. The Chairman and another member of the Committee will then meet with the complainant to discuss the outcome of the findings and what action will be taken.
Guidance for Welfare Officer, Coaches, Volunteers and Helpers
Whenever a complaint (even informal) is received, its nature should be briefly outlined via email to both the committee and the welfare officer and also include any action taken, so there is a record of such actions.